A song my way

A song my war (bis)

In the wind (bis)

We’re so so blind

Oh ouh oh so so blind


On the battlefield,

I forget my spirit in the night

On the battlefield,

I forget my eyes in the fight


During the battlefield,

I want to stop killing my friends

During the battlefield

I want to become a friend


A song my way (bis)

On my sky (bis)

I am so alone

Oh ouh oh so alone


On the battlefield,

I could find my reason in my night

On the battlefield,

I could find my heart in my fight


During the battlefield,

I would escape my enemy in their fight

During the battlefield

I would escape my patriots in our fight


A song my way (bis)

On the land (bis)

We’re so alone

Oh ouh oh so alone


On my way,

I found the peace in my heart

On my way

I found my sky in the bird


During my travel,

I found yours eyes in sky

During my travel

I found your smile in the shine


A song my way (bis)

On my hand (bis)

We’re so alone

Oh ouh oh so alone


On my way,

I hold my heart on my hands

On my way,

I hold my eyes on my land


On the way

I heard the voice of the dead

On the way,

I can now die in the peace


A song my way (bis)

On the land (bis)

We’re so alone

Oh ouh oh so alone


Emorizo, alias F. Ménez (extrait)


French translation / Traduction en Français

Copyright© Tous Droits Réservés, F. Ménez-2020

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